Welcome to the Wayfinding Project! We are so excited you are here.
First things first! If you haven’t already make sure you click on the “Profile” tab and either sign in or create your new profile. You will sign into this profile everytime before you take on the module work.
If you haven’t created a profile yet, go ahead and do that now. We’ll wait here.
How do you complete a module?
First, watch the video in the module you are working on for the next three weeks. For example, after reading all this you’ll go to the curriculum tab and select module 1 and watch the video there and then sometime in the following three weeks you’ll watch module 2, then 3, etc.
Secondly, download the Reflection Questions WordPress Doc Here. You can print this out and hand write in it, or just type right in the word doc. This will be your on going journal that you will use for each module. Every module will have reflection questions for you to write out after you watch the module video.
Thirdly, once you have watched the module video and worked through the reflection questions for that corresponding module, make sure to hit the “Completed” button at the bottom of the lesson so you can keep track of your progress.
And remember you can always email Dan (dan.pyke@baptist-atlantic.ca) or Laura (laura.bennett@baptist-atlantic.ca) if you have any questions at all.
Have fun and we look forward to hearing the incredible stories of you journey with God this year.